MOOQ is inviting you to our MOOQ Conference 2018:
The Quality of MOOCs
It takes places on Friday, 13th of July 2018, in Athens, Greece!
The conference venue is the Hellenic Open University in Athens (Gravias 4-6).
The programme of the MOOQ Conference 2018 is available for download here.
And participation in the MOOQ Conference is free of charge but requires registration:
Join the MOOQ Conference 2018 and register here today:!
We are looking forward to welcoming you at our MOOQ Conference 2018!
MOOQ is the European Alliance for Quality of Massive Open Online Courses, called MOOCs. The MOOQ conference aims to bring together students, graduates, practitioners, researchers and field experts of MOOCs to share experiences and to discuss MOOC quality issues and challenges in the 21st century e-learning landscape. We hope to engage all participants in a meaningful discourse on a Quality Reference Framework (QRF) for MOOCs.
The Conference Programme of the MOOQ Conference 2018:
(all presentations are online now here!)
Session I Opening and getting to know MOOC Quality
09:30 Welcome and Registration
10:00 Conference Opening and Welcome Speeches
- Dr. Christian M. Stracke, MOOQ Coordinator, OUNL
- Dr. Achilles Kameas, Hellenic Open University
- Fragoulis Krokos, Head of Standardisation, NQIS
10:45 Keynote Speech by Willem van Valkenburg, TU Delft:
“The Quality of MOOCs: Current challenges”
11:15 Keynote Introduction by Christian M. Stracke, Open University of the Netherlands:
“MOOQ and the Quality of MOOCs: How it started and continues”
11:45 Coffee Break
12:15 Presentation by Christian M. Stracke & Esther Tan, Open University of the Netherlands:
“MOOQ and the Quality of MOOCs: Findings & tools”
13:00 Lunch Break
Session II Quality Reference Framework (QRF) for MOOCs
14:00 Plenary Session: Towards a QRF for MOOCs and Introduction to Online Community:
“Join us for the Quality of MOOCs!”, see:
14:30 Parallel Interactive Workshops: How to design MOOCs
First workshop: “Minds-on session on Design Processes for MOOCs”
Facilitators: Christian M. Stracke, Cleo Sgouropoulou & Nikos Palavitsinis
Second workshop: “Dealing with practical quality problems when running a MOOC”
Facilitators: Bill Vassiliadis, Antonia Stefani, Esther Tan & Achilles Kameas
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Plenary Session: Reporting results from the two workshops and Wrap-up: Towards a QRF for MOOCs
16:30 Closing