MOOQ Conference: Huge success!

The MOOQ Conference was a huge success!

„The Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)“ was the hot topic on 13th of July 2018. The European initative MOOQ had invited and around 100 participants joined for an exciting and interactive event.

The state-of-the-art and latest research result from MOOQ were presented at the headquarters of the Hellenic Open University in Athens.

After the welcome speeches, the keynote by Willem van Valkenburg from the TU Delft addressed „The Quality of MOOCs“.

In the following keynote introduction, Christian M. Stracke, the MOOQ coordinator from the Open University of the Netherlands, focused “MOOQ and the Quality of MOOCs: How it started and continues” afterwards.

And finally, Christian M. Stracke and Esther Tan, both OUNL, presented “MOOQ and the Quality of MOOCs: Findings & tools”.

After the lunch break, a short introduction into the online community for the quality of MOOCs was given by Tasos Koutoumanos.

In the afternoon programme, two interactive workshops took place: The first workshop discussed “Minds-on session on Design Processes for MOOCs” (facilitated by: Christian M. Stracke, Cleo Sgouropoulou & Nikos Palavitsinis) and the second workshop debated “Dealing with practical quality problems when running a MOOC” (facilitated by: Bill Vassiliadis, Antonia Stefani, Esther Tan & Achilles Kameas).

The workshop results were shared and discussed in the final plenary session ending with the wrap-up and next steps towards the Quality Reefernce Framework (QRF) for the quality of MOOCs.

All participants were satisfied with the MOOQ conference and reported only positive feedback (“unique opportunity to discuss the quality of online learning”).