Findings from the Global MOOC Quality Survey
Thank you very much for your contributions and support!
The first findings of the Global MOOC Quality Survey are published and presented! It has achieved huge interest by hundreds of participants leading to a valuable and mature basis for the data analysis. And it was well recognised by international conferences and the global community through many accepted papers and huge number of workshop attendees. It was the first Global Survey on the Quality of Open Education and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) addressing three main target groups: MOOC learners, MOOC designers and MOOC facilitators. The main long-term goal is the improvement of future MOOCs by developing quality indicators and tools. The survey has fostered it through the collection of design and learning experiences and their analysis and discussion afterwards. „We are very excited to facilitate and continue the quality debate with all interested parties worldwide“, emphasises Christian M. Stracke from the Open University of the Netherlands and MOOC expert. The leading international associations and organizations were supporting the survey including three United Nations‘ organizations. The Global MOOC Quality Survey took place from January to May 2017 (four months) to allow feedback from all interested parties. The first findings from the scientific, independent and non-profit survey are published and shared online now.
The findings from the Global MOOC Quality Survey are accessible online at:
The Global MOOC Quality Survey was supported by the three United Nations‘ organizations United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE), International Labour Organization (ILO) International Training Center (ITCILO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as well as many by the foremost international associations and institutions, among them the International Council for Distance and Open Education (ICDE), Open Education Consortium (OEC), International Community for Open Research and Education (ICORE), Commonwealth of Learning (COL), European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL), Contact North (CN) and many more.
The Global MOOC Quality Survey was designed and organized by MOOQ, the European Alliance for the quality of MOOCs. Based on the survey results a Quality Reference Framework with quality indicators and tools for MOOCs was developed and discussed in close collaboration with all interested stakeholders worldwide. Their contributions and evaluation has led to valuable instruments for designers and facilitators to improve future MOOCs for all learners worldwide. „We will ensure that the next generation of MOOCs will meet better the personal goals and needs of the learners!“, underlines Christian M. Stracke, the coordinator of the European MOOQ Alliance.
The structure and design of the survey was carefully developed by MOOQ in continuous improvement cycles. First a desktop research analysed all existing quality frameworks, surveys and indicators. The Quality Reference Framework (QRF) matrix was developed by MOOQ for the quality of MOOCs and first survey constructs and question items were formulated. Furthermore an online pre-survey, several interactive workshops at international conferences, interviews and guided discussion panels with MOOC experts were organized and conducted. Through these activities MOOQ could gain further external feedback and test, discuss and determine quality dimensions and indicators with participants from all continents of the world to critically reflect and productively criticize the interim version of the survey design with all details. Finally the following 13 survey constructs and their question items could be validated by MOOQ: Pedagogical Decisions, Learning Objectives, Duration & Structure, Duration & Interaction, Learning Resources, Learning Support, Flexibility & Inclusion, Learning Progress, Learning Environment, Learning Assessment, Learning Certification, Design Process and Online Facilitation. This scientific procedure was successfully leading to the final Global MOOC Quality Survey.
More information about MOOQ, the European Alliance for the quality of MOOCs:
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