Online Courses – The Quality Criteria for Experts

The Quality Criteria for Experts support online designers and learners how to design, develop and evaluate online courses.

The Quality Criteria for Experts are available for download here under open and free license:

Next to the Quality Criteria for Experts, you can consult the complementary Checklist for Beginners can be found and freely downloaded here.

Both documents are an adaptation of the Quality Reference Framework (QRF): The QRF was developed by the European Alliance for the Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), called MOOQ.

In close cooperation with European and international institutions and associations, MOOQ could involve in the QRF finalization more than 10,000 online learners, designers, facilitators and providers through the Global MOOC Quality Survey (GMQS), the MOOQ presentations and workshops at regional, European and international conferences as well as communication and collaboration in traditional channels and social media. Many workshops at European and international conferences were organized and realized by the MOOQ coordinator Christian M. Stracke (OUNL) not only for the dissemination of the MOOQ project and its results but also for the direct discussion and feedback by all participants in open action labs and interactive workshops.

The QRF is based on the Reference Process Model from the unique and first global ISO quality standard for e-learning (ISO/IEC 40180) that was developed in 2005 and revised in 2017. As one result of all the external discussions, feedback loops and contributions from external experts, practitioners and learners, MOOQ has reduced the six processes from ISO/IEC 40180 down to five key processes.

All information about the QRF here.