Privacy Statement on MOOC Pre-Survey

Privacy Statement on MOOC Pre-Survey

1. Introduction
This website introduces and explains the privacy statement on the MOOC Pre-Survey that is organized and realized by the Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) as the coordinator of the MOOQ initiative for improving the quality of MOOCs.
The MOOC pre-survey is an initial step to gather some information from MOOC users, as well as potential MOOC users on four aspects:
  1. Experience with MOOCs;
  2. Perception and Expectation;
  3. Personal Goals; and
  4. Recognition and Certification.
2. Why do we process your data?
The results of the MOOC pre-survey data analysis will inform the design and development of the main MOOC survey in the coming months.
3. Which data do we collect and process?
The demographic data, as well as the data on the above-mentioned four aspects of learning with MOOCs, will be collected and processed. The processing of the data is meant for administrative purposes and will not be included within the evaluation or given further to any person not involved in the MOOQ project.
4. How long do we keep your data?
The data is kept only for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose of collection or further processing.
5. How do we protect your data?
The Open University of the Netherlands fully complies with the requirements of the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act (Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens). The Open University of the Netherlands has implemented a number of security measures, including measures to prevent unauthorized parties from accessing personal information.
6. Who has access to your data and to whom is it disclosed?
Access to your data is provided to authorised staff according to the need to know principle. Such staff abide by statutory, and when required, additional confidentiality agreements. Personal data will be only accessed by the MOOQ lead project partner institution, i.e., OUNL.
7. What are your rights?
According to the Personal Data Protection Act (Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens) of the Netherlands, participants have the right to be informed about data processing (as provided above) and the right to request a full and clear summary of the data that are being processed. Participants can request the correction, deletion or blocking of data if it is factually inaccurate, incomplete or irrelevant to the purpose or purposes of the processing, or is being processed in any other way which infringes a legal provision (Articles 35 and 36, Wbp). The request must state what modifications are to be made.