Quality in Open Education matters now

Quality in Open Education matters now!

Online discussion and MOOC follow up UNESCO World OER Congress 2017

WOERC_2017_largeThe second international World OER Congress 2017 led to the approval of the Ljubljana OER Action Plan and a revival of the quality debate. Experts and national delegates from 111 countries adopted the 41 recommended actions by acclamation. All United Nations‘ Member States are urged to mainstream open-licensed resources building knowledge societies and to achieve the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Quality Education. A plenary panel of the UNESCO and ICDE Chairs in OER was emphasizing the need to take on the momentum. „We were pleased and excited to follow up the quality focus in Open Education with online discussions and a dedicated MOOC“, beams Christian M. Stracke, ICDE Chair in OER from the Welten Institute of the Open University of the Netherlands.

Online discussion „How to ensure Quality in Open Education“

A first event is the online discussion on „How to ensure Quality in Open Education“ on 27th of October 2017 from 12pm to 1pm CEST. It will be moderated by Christian M. Stracke as the coordinator of the European initiative MOOQ for the Quality of Open Education and facilitated by the European platform Open Education Europe (OEE).


Massive Open Online Course „Quality in Open Education“ (QOE)

The next highlight will be the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the „Quality in Open Education“ (QOE): It will take place in April 2018 with the participants of leading international experts from all continents. A first announcement and introduction will be given during the OEE online discussion by Christian M. Stracke. He has designed and will chair the MOOC QOE co-organized by MOOQ and the International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE).