MOOQ – Kick-Off meeting at OUNL

The MOOQ Kick-Off meeting was hosted at the premises of the Open University of the Netherlands. The MOOQ coordinator Dr. Christian M. Stracke could welcome partners from four European countries. It took place on Monday and Tuesday, 18th and 19th of January 2016 in Heerlen.

Main objective of the first meeting was the approval of a common vision that was developed in consensus by all partners:

„The vision of MOOQ is to foster quality in MOOCs leading to a new era of learning experiences.“

Currently the European MOOQ initiative includes the following founding partners:
Open University of the Netherlands (OUNL) as the coordinator, Hellenic Open University (HOU), National Quality Infrastructure System (NQIS) from Greece, Universidade Aberta (UAB) from Portugal and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS) from France.

MOOQ is an open initiative and invites all interested organizations and stakeholders to join for common improvement of the quality of MOOCs.