MOOQ selected as most innovative project

MOOQ is very proud to announce that MOOQ was selected as most innovative Erasmus+ project for the upcoming European Conference in Poland by European Commission! „We are happy to share and discuss our latest research results and the Quality Reference Framework for MOOCs“, says the satisfied MOOQ coordinator Christian M. Stracke from the Open University of the Netherlands.

All selected projects can join and present their progress and results at the conference on 26th to 28th of September 2018 in the Polish metropole Lodz. The Conference brings together Erasmus+ projects and their target groups under the (very long) title: „Innovate your teaching through methods like gamification, e-learning, Design Thinking, Project Based Learning, use of new technologies in higher education“.

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MOOQ Conference 2018 Presentations online now!

All presentations from the successful MOOQ Conference 2018 are online now!

Our European initative MOOQ could welcome around 100 participants joining the exciting and interactive event: The theme „The Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)“ was attracting them to join us in Athens on 13th of July 2018.

Here you can find all keynotes and presentations on the state-of-the-art and latest research result from MOOQ that were presented at the headquarters of the Hellenic Open University:

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MOOQ Conference: Huge success!

The MOOQ Conference was a huge success!

„The Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)“ was the hot topic on 13th of July 2018. The European initative MOOQ had invited and around 100 participants joined for an exciting and interactive event.

The state-of-the-art and latest research result from MOOQ were presented at the headquarters of the Hellenic Open University in Athens.

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Global MOOC Quality Survey at ICALT 2018 in India

MOOQ presented the latest publication with the findings from the Global MOOC Quality Survey (GMQS) at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) in Mumbai, India. The full paper is published in the ICALT 2018 proceedings on the very prominent and first position (on pages 1 to 5),  a copy of the pre-final paper is available in our scientific publications here.

The presentation was gaining huge interest and causing a lot of questions: The slides are now avaialable here.

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Final MOOQ consortium meeting

All MOOQ partners have met for the final consortium meeting in Athens. On 12th of July 2018 they have finalized the preparations of the European Conference on „The Quality of MOOCs“ that took place on the following day.

The final version of the Quality Reference Framework (QRF) is the most important results from the MOOQ project. All partners agreed that a new version will be prepared on the basis of the feedback from the conference participants and their lively review and discussion of the QRF in the interactive workshop sessions. A final version of the QRF will also be improved with a new design and catching icons.

In addition, the the Global MOOC Quality Survey (GMQS) with the three surveys for MOOC learners, designers and facilitators has delivered very interesting insights how to improve the design of future MOOCs. The first findings are already published, more publications will follow soon.

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MOOQ findings at ICALT 2018 in Mumbai

ICALTMOOQ presents the findings from the Global MOOC Quality Survey (GMQS) at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) in Mumbai, India.

The full paper submission was accepted by the international evaluators in double-blind peer review: It will be presented on Tuesday, 10th of July 2018, at 14:00. Conference venue is the prestigous Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay.

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Quality of MOOCs: Challenges – and hopes for improvement?

Quality of MOOCs: Challenges – and hopes for improvement?

The quality of MOOCs is challenged and questioned from the very early beginning. MOOCs are „Massive Open Online Courses“ and were introduced in the year 2008: The first MOOC was called „Connectivism and Connective Knowledge“ (CCK08) and organized by Stephen Downes and George Siemens. Many MOOCs followed leading to a peak in the year 2012 that was also called the „Year of the MOOCs“ by the New York Times. Currently the hype is over but the number of MOOCs and their online learners are continuously increasing.

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MOOQ and ICDE establish close cooperation

mooq_logoICDEMOOQ and ICDE establish close cooperation

Partnership by MOOQ and ICDE for shared vision on quality of Open Education

The European Alliance MOOQ and the global membership organization ICDE have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a close cooperation. The two leading international initiatives for online learning confirm a shared quality vision and interest in the field of open education. Christian M. Stracke, MOOQ coordinator, and Gard Titlestad, ICDE Secretary General, who signed the MOU, are convinced that the collaboration will provide benefits for the whole community worldwide. A first focus will be the improvement of the quality of Open Education and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

„We are happy about this close cooperation with ICDE to facilitate high quality in Open Education and MOOCs in the future“, underlines Christian M. Stracke from the Open University of the Netherlands. And Gard Titlestad from ICDE adds: „ICDE is pleased to share the vision of Open Education and to collaborate with MOOQ in the development and consultation of a Quality Reference Framework for MOOCs.“

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