MOOQ Conference 2018 Presentations online now!

All presentations from the successful MOOQ Conference 2018 are online now!

Our European initative MOOQ could welcome around 100 participants joining the exciting and interactive event: The theme „The Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)“ was attracting them to join us in Athens on 13th of July 2018.

Here you can find all keynotes and presentations on the state-of-the-art and latest research result from MOOQ that were presented at the headquarters of the Hellenic Open University:

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MOOQ Conference: Huge success!

The MOOQ Conference was a huge success!

„The Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)“ was the hot topic on 13th of July 2018. The European initative MOOQ had invited and around 100 participants joined for an exciting and interactive event.

The state-of-the-art and latest research result from MOOQ were presented at the headquarters of the Hellenic Open University in Athens.

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MOOQ findings at ICALT 2018 in Mumbai

ICALTMOOQ presents the findings from the Global MOOC Quality Survey (GMQS) at the 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) in Mumbai, India.

The full paper submission was accepted by the international evaluators in double-blind peer review: It will be presented on Tuesday, 10th of July 2018, at 14:00. Conference venue is the prestigous Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay.

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Quality of MOOCs: Challenges – and hopes for improvement?

Quality of MOOCs: Challenges – and hopes for improvement?

The quality of MOOCs is challenged and questioned from the very early beginning. MOOCs are „Massive Open Online Courses“ and were introduced in the year 2008: The first MOOC was called „Connectivism and Connective Knowledge“ (CCK08) and organized by Stephen Downes and George Siemens. Many MOOCs followed leading to a peak in the year 2012 that was also called the „Year of the MOOCs“ by the New York Times. Currently the hype is over but the number of MOOCs and their online learners are continuously increasing.

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Quality in MOOCs: We need your help and opinion!

Please support our Global MOOC Survey!

Global_MOOC_SurveyDear colleague,

We have launched the first Global Survey on the Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Already several hundreds have contributed but we need all opinions and in particular your view!

Are you a MOOC learner, MOOC designer or MOOC facilitator? Then please take 20-30 minutes of your valuable time and complete our survey:

Thank you very much for your kind help and for sharing your experiences!

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UN organizations support the Global MOOC Survey

UNITAR joins UNESCO IITE, FAO and ICTILO in international support alliance

Global_MOOC_SurveyUNITAR as fourth UN organization next to UNESCO IITE, FAO and ITCILO commited to support the Global Survey on the Quality of MOOCs, see: !

This first Global Survey on the Quality of Open Education and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) gains more and more recognition and backing by foremost international associations and institutions, among them the International Council for Distance and Open Education (ICDE), Open Education Consortium (OEC), International Community for Open Research and Education (ICORE), Commonwealth of Learning (COL), European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL), Contact North (CN) and many more.

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MOOQ Pre-Survey Launched at EDEN Conference

MOOQ is pleased to announce the launch of the online pre-survey on the quality of MOOCs:

It will take place at the EDEN Conference in Budapest, starting on Wednesday, 15th of June 2016.

The pre-survey is developed for different target groups: MOOC learners and MOOC designers. All Experts and practitioners are invited to contribute to the first survey. The findings will be used for the big MOOQ survey that will start in Summer 2016.

More information about the MOOQ pre-suvey will be published here.

MOOQ – Kick-Off meeting at OUNL

The MOOQ Kick-Off meeting was hosted at the premises of the Open University of the Netherlands. The MOOQ coordinator Dr. Christian M. Stracke could welcome partners from four European countries. It took place on Monday and Tuesday, 18th and 19th of January 2016 in Heerlen.

Main objective of the first meeting was the approval of a common vision that was developed in consensus by all partners:

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