MOOQ Conference 2018 Presentations online now!

All presentations from the successful MOOQ Conference 2018 are online now!

Our European initative MOOQ could welcome around 100 participants joining the exciting and interactive event: The theme „The Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)“ was attracting them to join us in Athens on 13th of July 2018.

Here you can find all keynotes and presentations on the state-of-the-art and latest research result from MOOQ that were presented at the headquarters of the Hellenic Open University:

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MOOQ Conference: Huge success!

The MOOQ Conference was a huge success!

„The Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)“ was the hot topic on 13th of July 2018. The European initative MOOQ had invited and around 100 participants joined for an exciting and interactive event.

The state-of-the-art and latest research result from MOOQ were presented at the headquarters of the Hellenic Open University in Athens.

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MOOQ Consortium Meeting in Athens

MOOQ_Athens_smallAll MOOQ partners were coming to the MOOQ Consortium Meeting in Athens on 4th and 5th of July 2016 to discuss latest and further progress.

The launch of the MOOQ pre-survey at the EDEN Conference in Budapest was a success and first details of the big MOOQ survey were already developed. Feedback from the MOOQ presentation at EDEN were also presented by the MOOQ Coordinator Christian M. Stracke (OUNL) who could talk about only positive echo from the international audience there.

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