MOOQ survey on Quality of MOOCs launched

MOOQ LogoThe MOOQ survey on quality of MOOCs launched today

Join our survey, it takes only 10 minutes:

Please share your experiences and expectations with us and all interested MOOC learners and designers!

Let us improve future MOOCs for better learning for all!

Thank you very much for your feedback!

The privacy statement for this MOOQ survey on the quality of MOOCs can be found here.

MOOQ and MOOCs at EDEN Conference 2016 in Budapest

eden conference 2016MOOCs are dead! Long live MOOCs!

One provocative paper presentation at the European EDEN Conference 2016 among many other activities on MOOCs.

This year, EDEN 2016 has a strong focus on MOOCs and I’m very pleased to heavily contribute and support the debate together with my colleagues:

The presentation of my paper “MOOCs are dead!” will take place in the session D3 on Thursday, 16th of June (from 11:30 to 13:00), you are most welcome to join the discussion!

In addition Christian M. Stracke as the MOOQ coordinator will introduce our ambitious European initiative for comparing and improving the quality of MOOCs: The MOOQ presentation will take place on in the synergy session B5 on Wednesday, 15th of June (from 14:20 to 15:50).

Another speech will demonstrate the interim results of EBE-EUSMOSI, the initiative for evidence-based school education, and in particular the new assessment instrument on inclusion: It will take place in the synergy session F4 on Friday, 17th of June (from 09:00 to 10:30).

And Christian M. Stracke will also introduce the new European research consortium PBL 3.0 for combining learning analytics and semantics in problem-based learning in the same session F4 on Friday, 17th of June (from 09:00 to 10:30).

Finally OUNL colleagues are organizing the EMMA workshop as a bootcamp on MOOC Assessment for Learning in Practice: You are most welcome to join the session B6 on Wednesday, 15th of June (from 14:20 to 15:50).

MOOQ and MOOCs at EDEN Conference 2016 in Budapest: We are looking forward to meeting all colleagues, experts and practitioners and continuing our cooperation!

MOOQ Pre-Survey Launched at EDEN Conference

MOOQ is pleased to announce the launch of the online pre-survey on the quality of MOOCs:

It will take place at the EDEN Conference in Budapest, starting on Wednesday, 15th of June 2016.

The pre-survey is developed for different target groups: MOOC learners and MOOC designers. All Experts and practitioners are invited to contribute to the first survey. The findings will be used for the big MOOQ survey that will start in Summer 2016.

More information about the MOOQ pre-suvey will be published here.

MOOCs are Dead! Long Live MOOCs!

MOOCs are dead! The provocative scientific paper by Christian M. Stracke from the Open University of the Netherlands was accepted for publication and presentation: Join the lively debate to discuss the challenges and potential of successful high quality MOOCs.

And share your experiences and thought how we can jointly improve the future development and design of MOOCs!

The ongoing work and interim results of the European initiative MOOQ will be introduced: MOOQ is focusing Open Education and the Quality of Online Courses Towards a Common Quality Reference Framework.

The paper will be presented at the European EDEN Conference in Budapest on Thursday, 16th of June 2016, in session D3 starting at 11:30am.

The full programme of the EDEN Conference is available online.