Please support our Global MOOC Survey!
Dear colleague,
We have launched the first Global Survey on the Quality of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Already several hundreds have contributed but we need all opinions and in particular your view!
Are you a MOOC learner, MOOC designer or MOOC facilitator? Then please take 20-30 minutes of your valuable time and complete our survey:
Thank you very much for your kind help and for sharing your experiences!
Our main long-term goal is the improvement of future MOOCs by developing quality indicators and tools. The survey will foster it through the collection of design and learning experiences and their analysis and discussion afterwards. Therefore leading international associations and organizations are supporting the survey including four United Nations‘ organizations.
Based on the survey results a Quality Reference Framework with quality indicators and tools for MOOCs will be developed: It will be discussed in close collaboration with you and all interested international stakeholders. All our common contributions and evaluation will lead to valuable instruments for designers and facilitators to improve future MOOCs for all learners worldwide.
The Global MOOC Survey is designed and organized by MOOQ, the European Alliance for the quality of MOOCs:
We are looking forward to your help and our future collaboration!
Best wishes on behalf of the whole MOOQ Alliance
Christian M. Stracke (OUNL and MOOQ coordinator)